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Security Security Access Service Edge (SASE) powered by Cato

For any location and any user Secure remote access, optimized

Through combining network and security functionality in the cloud, we increase the security and convenience of your remote work environment.


This service is a cloud-based, next-generation security framework that combines network and security functionality previously provided as separate products.

The idea of SASE was advocated in a 2019 report from the American research firm Gartner titled "The Future of Network Security is in the Cloud”. The technology has gathered much attention, with 40% of companies said to be planning to use SASEs by 2024.

Do you have issues like the following?

Security for
remote work

Employees connecting to your internal systems from external networks raises security risks. 

Handling complex

As a company grows, its networks become increasingly complex and harder to manage.

Costs and time for
training IT security staff

Optimization of IT infrastructure is needed to cut costs, but you lack the IT expertise needed. 

Features of Security Access Service Edge (SASE) powered by Cato

Feature 1

Better security through unified policy

With hybrid work having become commonplace, there is no longer a clear distinction between employees inside and outside of the office, and companies need solutions that allow employees to securely access the corporate network from anywhere.

Managing security policies for each cloud service individually becomes complicated and makes it difficult to ensure security consistency. Using SASEs to integrate multiple security policies makes management easier, reducing security risks and ensuring compliance.

SASE provides a full security stack, protecting all your resources under a unified security policy and providing complete visibility into your WAN and Internet traffic.

Feature 2

Simplification of network architecture

With SASEs you can integrate SD-WAN and security services to simplify your network architectures, which otherwise tend to become increasingly complex as a business grows. A simpler network and security stack increases flexibility and eliminates the need for in-house management.

The SASEs are provided in the cloud, so ransomware and malware countermeasures are automatically updated on the cloud side. Without the hassle of needing to apply patches to each of your locations, you can more easily have strong, consistent security governance worldwide.

This not only greatly reduces the administrative burden placed on network and security personnel, but also allows direct access to the Internet via SASE from all your locatioms, eliminating network bottlenecks.

Feature 3

Cost reductions and higher productivity

SASEs make it easy to introduce new resources. There is no need to maintain on-premises infrastructure; all you need to do is connect new edge clients to the SASE platform. SASEs allow you to save costs on physical appliances and reduce operational costs through centralized management. Additionally, including WAN functionality in them can dramatically reduce connectivity costs.

Along with reducing network delays and packet loss with WAN optimization technology, this service also allows safe access to the Internet and SaaS applications through the use of pre-installed security services.

Cloud-native and scalable infrastructure allows you to automatically scale to the amount of your data traffic. Latency-prevention mechanisms are in place, allowing you to achieve both security and employee productivity.

What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.

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